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TNI Format.doc

(Size: 78336K)

TNI Form.xls

(Size: 30208K)

TNI Template.xls

(Size: 92160K)

TNI Form2012.xls

(Size: 10183K)

Form 16 & Form 12BA.xls

(Size: 86528K)


(Size: 18245K)

Form E.pdf

(Size: 11028K)

FORM 13revised.pdf

(Size: 24732K)

Form II.docx

(Size: 14852K)

Form C.jpg

(Size: 58964K)

Search Result For "TNI Form" - Page 1

Dear Sir/Mam, I am working with Manufacturing Company since Oct. Previously I have worked with staffing and IT Company. In this Company my boss have given me a task to prepare Competency Assessment & Training Needs Identification (TNI) Form for all employee. Pl ...

Tni - Doc Download, (27/Mar/2009)

Dear allCan u pls. tell me the sources of identification of training needs. How can we identify the trg. needs, if we not received from his/her HOD. pls. suggestRegardsrahul

Hi All,Its seems this is the best forum to provide me an answer to the question about the difference between Training Need Analysis & Training Need Identification.RegardsSush

Dear Trainers,Time and again this question has occured to new budding trainers regarding the difference between TNI,TNA and training need evaluation.Please guide me and send me some literature/ppt/articles if you have.Thanking you in anticipation,Regards,Sarabje...

Dear All,I am working in one private organisation as an intern. In this organisation performance appraisal has not been undertaken for past few years. But now it wants to conduct a TNI immediately.It does not want to draft it for all the employees but only to de...

Hi Friends!I am about to develop a content for service delivery department ( Claims / underwriting / new business / channel opeations & cusomer care ) this is basically for an insurance organization where I am currently working. I will appreciate if some can hel...

Hi all,I have been asked to make a TNI n TNA for my organization. M quite new in T & D, dont have much knowledge….i hv made a questionaire for it however....Can anybdy plz help me in this process??Thx in advance...Salma

How do we develope a TNI process - training module, for Team leaders to carry out the process for their members?

Pls find my TNI & TRG Calendar format

1\. Can anyone help define the differences between TNI & TNA?2\. Examples that help understand both effectively?3\. Theories if any?Thanks in advance,Mike Mukthi

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